Did You Know

Did you know that you are loved?  Everyone might not be loved by who they think they should be loved by (family, friends, crushes), but did you know that God loves you, even if you don't love Him.  Ponder that for a minute.  He loves you.  He loves you unconditionally.  Nothing you could do could ever make Him love you less.  I know that most people would never like to admit it but the person you love most in this world could do something to you or to someone else that could make you love them less.  But this could never happen to God.  It's not in Him.  There is nothing but love in God because GOD IS LOVE.  It's so hard for me to even get my mind around that!  So if this blog doesn't offer anything else to you but just entertainment purposes, entertain this thought as you go about your week: God loves you in spite of yourself!


