Though She Be But Little, She is Fierce

"Though she be but little, she is fierce," these words from Shakespeare describe perfectly this spirited little lady that I'm about to introduce you to.  Her name is Austyn Mitchell, she's almost 6 years old and she's on a mission to raise money for families in Guatemala by selling artwork that she's made herself.   Austyn and her parents plan on traveling to Guatemala this spring, where they'll meet up with the Sisnero's family who are missionaries in Guatemala. IMG_2420

According to Austyn's mother, Kacy, 2 1/2 years ago the Sisnero's sold everything they owned in Colorado and moved to Guatemala to be full-time missionaries.  Their main focus is in the small village of El Rosario, where they buy food, help with school tuition and just LOVE people with no limits.  There are a lot of single mothers for numerous reasons, but mainly because the men just don't feel obligated to stay.  Another area where they serve is called, The Vencedor Boys Academy.  It is here that they are introducing the young boys in the village to a REAL MAN named Jesus and what He has done for them.  Once they know what they are called to be by Christ, then they can stop the cycle of absentee fathers and stop poverty along with it.

Cooped Up Cowboy's Wife:  What is on your heart for the children in Guatemala?

Austyn:  Even though I don't speak Spanish, God told me that I will be able to talk to the kids. What I want to tell them is God loves all of them, even if they are bad or poor.  Even if they are money poor.  It's okay, because God can give them everything.  I love them too and I want to tell them that they are strong and powerful.  I want to help them with all that they do, they are the greatest kids and God them loves them too.

Cooped Up Cowboy's Wife:  How did you create your works of art?

Austyn:  I took paint and made pictures on the boards, then after I drew the pictures I smeared them up with my hands. Two of them still have hidden pictures.  One has a rainbow and one has Jesus on the cross.  Then, my mom read me sayings and I picked out what I wanted her to write on each one.

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How incredible is it to watch the way God can work through His youngest believers?  If you've ever had the privilege of talking with Austyn you will know in less than 5 minutes that God has big plans for this little lady and she is on fire for Him at such a young age.

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The Mitchell's travel expenses are very small, so all of the extra money that is raised will go directly to the Sisnero's to be used in the village or school. If you're interested investing in Austyn's mission, you can purchase her art for whatever donation price that God lays on your heart.  You may order through PayPal directly by going to the "send money" link and entering the email of or you may send a check made out to Austyn Mitchell to: 512 Main St, Windsor, CO 80550 and leave your email address in the memo line.  Once payment is received you will get the image via email for you to print at home or in a photo shop.

There's so many ways that we can impact the Kingdom of God, whether it's preaching from the pulpit, feeding the hungry or creating works of art to sell for the poor, God just desires a willing heart!

Much love for you today!

Cooped Up Cowboy's Wife- Candace