What's Stealing Your Voice?

This video is from an amazing woman named, Melissa Moss. I had the honor of getting to know her up at our church's women's conference. I love getting to see the fire inside her that she has for God and how she unabashedly loves on His people. She's absolutely beautiful from the inside out.

God is so good to put dreams and passions on the inside of us, not only to do His work and serve others around us, but because He wants us to love and enjoy what we're doing as well! Of course, there will be times that it's not always fun and many times that whatever we want so much will come with sacrifice and a lot of hard work, but isn't that how anything good in life is?

Don't keep putting what God has told you to do on the back burner. Don't let fear or the perceptions of others hold you back from walking in what God has clearly called you out to do! He'll just find some other obedient soul and you'll miss out. Let that still small voice become a roar in your heart that you can't get away from!

So here's to chasing dreams and following after God!

Have an amazing week,
