You are not their Savior.

I've gone through seasons in my life where my mind has dwelt on my deficiencies. I've let my mind dwell on thoughts that tell me I'm not smart enough, not pretty enough, that I say the wrong things or that I make people feel awkward when they're around me.

I know I've been blessed with the ability to always care how others feel, but in some ways this has felt like a curse. God made me this way, but I've learned that using it to encourage others and to lift them up is not the same as carrying their sorrows and being responsible for their happiness. I'm learning to turn them to God and to not take on the role of being their "savior." There's a slippery slope between helping a person out and being their crutch. Don't take the place of who God is supposed to be in their life.

I'm remembering every time I talk to someone who is going through something, that I need to direct them to God and what His Word says about their situation. It will be impossible to uphold that position in their life that only God should hold. It will suck the life out of you and it will probably send them down a worse road then where they first started.

God is always there for us no matter where we are, how bad we've screwed things up. It's always a good idea to seek wise counsel from others, but you must rely on God to heal you, to lead you and to give you victory. No one else can do that for you. "Thanks be to God, Who in Christ always leads me in triumph (as a trophy of Christ's victory) and through me spreads and makes evident the fragrance of the knowledge of God everywhere."- 2 Corinthians 2:14

A book that I turn to a lot to find scripture on a certain subject is Joyce Meyer's, "The Secret of Speaking God's Word." It's a great little book to keep on hand and to use as a scripture guide for yourself or to help someone else.

I pray you all have a blessed week!
