A Weekend Away

Anybody love getting away for the weekend?  I can truly say that this is one of the best things that we as a family could do!  Sometimes we decide were just going to hang low for the weekend at the house, and that ends up into fixing this or that or working on a project, when your suppose to be "laying low"!  So, this time we decided to actually get away for the weekend away from the house!  It was easy deciding where we were going to go because the hubby had to get a puppy from up in Carbondale, Colorado.  After researching online for pet friendly hotels, we ended up at the Eagle Lodge and Suites, a Best Western Hotel just an hour away from Carbondale.  This hotel was  beautiful inside and out and had a pool which of coarse little man LOVED!  For any of you who don't know where Eagle, Colorado is, it's just outside of Vail, so about 3 hours from our house!  The other town we went to and explored around is called Carbondale.  This town was one of the most friendliest of towns I'd ever been in.  We first began our trip here by going to pick up the newest member of our family who we now call Abraham! DSC_2582CW was joking when he said he wanted to name him Abraham because that name means father of many, in which he was referring to that we would be having a lot of puppies!!!  Haha, my husband is so funny sometimes… as if we didn't already have enough dogs!  The couple we got the puppy from were super friendly and so personable sharing all sorts of information with us about dogs and hunting.  After picking up Abraham, we stopped to eat at a small burger joint called FatBelly Burgers!  It was considerably priced and had great all natural home grown beef burgers, it doesn't get any better than that when you know it's from right there in town!  









After talking with a few older ladies at the burger joint, we decided to take a walk and I began taking pictures of my boys (yes, I'm one of those obsessive photo takers of my family, but yet I am never in any pictures)!  Then this older gentleman came up and told us that he had some ginormous sunflowers by his house and if we wanted to stop by there we were more than welcome to take pictures by them!  So, after a while we decided to walk down by his house.  It was a beautiful house with log beams and stucco around it.  As we walked up to the house the gentleman came out and was so friendly talking to us about anything and everything.  

DSC_2584I started asking him about his house and he told me that his house was one of the first farmhouses in Carbondale in 1884.  The first people that lived in that house had also ran an antique shop there.  Then he told me that him and his wife ended up finding this old farm house in 1988 and began renovating it.  They added the log beams and stucco and then opened up the entire inside of the house to make a spacious room.  








I just love talking to people and getting to know them and their story.  Everyone has a story and it's so interesting to be able to ask someone what their story is.  I think about this gentleman not knowing for sure if he was a widow or just wanting someone to talk to that day, but so glad he reached out to us to talk, because it sure blessed us.  I know we all get so busy in life and feel like we don't have time to just stop and talk to people, but you never know who you are being to that person!  I feel like God has given us all such amazing gifts and personalities and we are to share them with the world, and this gentleman shared his story with us and his house, and from these pictures you will be able to know that he takes joy in his house and the blessing that it has been to him.  It's the little things in life and the stories and testimonies that God gives us to share with others! I know we both had a great time and would love to visit more places in Colorado because there truly are some really amazing places with even more amazing people to meet!  Till next time!!! Hope you enjoy these pictures from our trip.  Traycen loves the camera and loves being in front of it, he even has some humor with it!  

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~CoopedUpCowboyWife Kirste