More Than Enough


She was completely clothed in God’s glory and had never felt rejection, deceit, pain, or betrayal. Everyday of her life up unto this point had been heaven on earth. Living in a paradise that was carefully and intentionally curated for her and her husband, Adam. Yes, Eve was a woman who had it all, she was completely whole and beautifully fashioned to portray the image of a God who created her to put the finishing touch on His Creation.

But there came a moment in time where she believed that she was not enough…. According to this serpent, she was not all she could be. She needed to be more. More. Like. God.

Led by the lie of the of the serpent, she fell into the deep dark pit of believing that she could not be enough in this life, without doing something more to obtain the standard of perfection that was put in front of her by the enemy. Maybe she felt like she was being cheated by the God who had walked with her in the cool of day? Maybe He left a few things out when He molded her from the rib of her husband?

I go back to the beginning of the Bible, because that’s where this lie was first mentioned. It’s spoken by the enemy that hates us more than anything else in this world. He knows that the longer we believe the lie, “that we are not enough,” the more we’ll spend our time and energy pursuing things in the life that lead us away from the purpose and destiny God wants us to have.

Let me make this clear…. You are enough because you are created by a God who is more than enough and scripture shows that we are created in His image. You are enough, not because of anything you could ever do, but because of Who He is.

When you become born again in Christ, you receive every spiritual blessing (Ephesians 1:3.) When God’s word says, “every” that means ALL! Not one thing is withheld from you! Ephesians goes onto say that we were chosen to be His before He laid the foundations of the universe, meaning we didn’t have to do anything to be chosen by God. You are enough!


Let’s go on. “Because of His great love, He ordained (predestined or set apart) us, so that we would be seen holy in his eyes with an unstained innocence.” (Ephesians 1:4) That means that before you took your first breath, you were enough. Before you could tell your first lie, commit your first sin, do something shameful, hurt another person, God called you “enough.” He knew from the beginning of time that He would have to send His Son, Jesus to die for you. It wasn’t Plan B for Him, it was His perfect plan, because He knew that you and I would need a perfect Savior to love us completely and to make us whole. And His perfect plan, brought Him great pleasure, that we would be able to feel the great, unending and unconditional love He has for us.

“Through our union with Christ we too have been claimed by God as His own inheritance. Before we were even born, He gave us our destiny; that we would fulfill the plan of God who always accomplishes every purpose and plan in His heart.“ (Ephesians 1:11)

We are His children and we have been given everything that we need in this life to reign as royalty. Sons and daughters of the Most High King. It’s time we start acting like it.


So for me, I’ve come to the end of the line of believing the lie that, “I’m not enough.”

My personality may be predisposed to feel like I need to accomplish all these things to be accepted (hello, enneagram 3!) but when I live my life bent on always doing instead of being I block the power of what Jesus did on the cross to operate in my life. I’m made righteous because of Jesus dying for me, not because of anything I did or didn’t do. I have to accept that and know that it can never be taken away from me! Coming into the full revelation of this will help all of us to start operating and living in the freedom of knowing that Jesus was, is and will always be enough and we are IN HIM!

So let’s go forward in this and would you as the reader of this please agree in this prayer with me. Prayer is where it all starts and ends. It is what activates the power in our lives and it is SO IMPORTANT!

(The following prayer is from the devotional, “Sparkling Gems of the Greek” by Rick Renner. I highly suggest it, you can find it here.)

Lord, I have been made worthy by the blood of Jesus Christ to receive every good thing You have planned and prepared for me. Forgive me for the times I have placed limitations on Your ability to bless me because I thought I wasn’t good enough. It is clear that you want to bless me IN SPITE of me! You are so good to do all the wonderful things You do in my life. Today I thank You for choosing to bless me with the extra strength I so desperately need in my life right now. Thank You for making this power completely free!

I pray this in Jesus’ name!

Also, if you’re reading this and maybe you’ve never had a relationship with Jesus or you’ve walked away from Him in your faith, and you’d like to renew or start that relationship with Him, all it takes is asking Him to be the Lord of your life. Let Him into your heart and confess with your mouth He is your Savior and Lord. And please reach out to me and let me know that you made that decision and let me pray and stand in agreement with you.

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